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A Message from Libertarian Supporters of Ron Paul for President in 2012 Americans are deliberately (and ruthlessly) manipulated by the mainstream corporate media, and the super-wealthy interests that own it. No matter what one’s personal political beliefs are, the vast majority of us believe that our country is headed in the wrong direction. Indeed, the very economic, legal, and social foundations of this nation are being eroded beneath us, a process that began many years ago. Human beings are the most studied creatures on earth, and there are social engineers who exploit their knowledge of human nature, psychology, and basic tribal instincts to keep people divided. A people divided against one another are much more easily conquered. The amazing truth is that the vast majority of us want the same things: freedom, justice, prosperity, security. The difference is simply deciding on the best means for achieving these ends. So what is liberalism? It is certainly a dirty word in Republican vernacular, and as such it shows deep ignorance by the conservative establishment. Classical liberalism was at the heart of the American revolution. Webster’s defines liberalism as “a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties.” Does this definition ring true when examined in light of today’s Democrats? Over the years, the so-called thought leaders on the left have supported a more synthetic progressivism, merging it with liberalism, defined as “a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (as those involving race, gender, or class).” Obviously, demigoging issues like race, gender, and class is more commonly known as socialism or communitarianism. These semantic games have confused what fundamental American values are! How has the fight for equality and social justice gone? Martin Luther King, Jr. never fought for institutionalized economic equality, nor did he seek for the state to intervene into issues of personal association. Many of today’s civil rights activists are very radical, and very well funded by the big tax-free foundations. Many of these groups are unapologetically racial by nature, and irritate for special group rights. As dangerous as these activists can be to social harmony, much more dangerous are the forces who seek to forge these groups into political weapons. Americans today are already remarkably culturally tolerant, and have come along way against racism. At this crossroads in US history, populist solutions are absolutely essential. Unfortunately, President Obama has been incapable of doing the things needed for America to begin to sniff an economic recovery. He has kept in place all of the terrible provisions from the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, and all of the Executive Orders from the Bush Administration. He has continued the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and expanded into Pakistan, Yemen, and possibly Iran. Despite claiming to be the most transparent administration in history, he allowed the SEC to have FOIA exemptions, has fought a war against government whistle-blowers, and given more power to the private, unaccountable Federal Reserve. Obama has also given diplomatic immunity to Interpol, even when operating within the United States. He essentially allowed the insurance lobbyists to write the healthcare reform bill, and has attempted to make an end-run around the Democratically held Congress by pushing environmental regulations through the EPA! His administration helped to fight off an audit of the Federal Reserve, they have done nothing to wind down the too-big-to-fail banks, and have apparently allowed the derivatives trade to continue on in the same manner for the foreseeable future. The most outrageous thing about Obama is that when speaking to the public, he makes it clear that he understands why the people are angry, and why the system needs to be fixed. The fact is, he was a junior Senator who came out of nowhere in 2004. He had no substantial record to speak of, and owes his position to the special interests that paid for his campaign. You all know that the Republicans are bad news; the sad truth is that both parties are hopelessly corrupt. If we are to return to our truly liberal roots, where our neighbors have opportunities for prosperity and our children grow up free, we must reject the international socialism pushed by the anglo-american political establishment, the multinational corporations, and the globalist financiers who have bankrupted the planet one-hundred times over. Moreover, if we do not retain our national sovereignty, we will have no control over our nation’s destiny. In simple terms, liberals care for their fellow man; I cannot be truly happy if my neighbor is in despair. Under the banner of liberalism, government has forced its way into virtually every aspect of human existence. Even if you have faith in the current political leadership, do you recognize the danger that we are in considering the broad scope of the government’s authority? Classical liberalism is one in the same with libertarianism. Congressman Ron Paul is by far the single politician whose views are most closely in line with the founding fathers. Tyranny, in all of its forms, is as old as mankind itself. No philosophy is as progressive as maximum individual liberty. Many fear the ugliness that human beings are capable of, and rightly so. But what about the evil, corrupt faction who takes control of a big, powerful government! That is where we are today. We need a government as an arbiter of disputes and to uphold contracts, to provide for a common national defense, and to enforce the borders of the nation. But the primary role of government is to ensure the preservation of the people’s liberties. The unprecedented individual freedom that was secured in the American Revolution inspired the innovative minds of a free people to create the mechanism for true progress. American’s have consequently been blessed with more free time, more disposable income, and a higher standard of living than any prior civilization! Libertarian ideals beget a tolerant society, that until recent years had been the envy of the world. Ron Paul has a record going back nearly 40 years in public office. You will know he is right when the media demonize him, mock him, and try to induce fear in the public rather than attempt to understand a nuanced, yet common-sense philosophy, antagonistic to the Washington political establishment. Finally, the Fortune 100, the Council on Foreign Relations, and groups like the Rand Corporation have crafted nearly all major legislation passed by the Congress in the last twenty years. Even well meaning bills that liberals support are full of exemptions, loopholes, and last minute riders. These laws have not leveled the playing field by any means, they empower those with the most inside influence and the most lobbying capital. The great mistrust of corporate America is justifiable, and just possibly, the means to an end. President Obama was elected despite his stated intention to “spread the wealth around.” Bush’s close relationship with big business was no secret, and many Americans hoped for some socialism, and for some revenge on major corporations. The fact is, these corporations today are our government, for all practical purposes. The real wealth redistribution has gone to the banks that over-leveraged American debt, and stuck us with the bill. This, along with the Federal Reserve system generally, is not the fault of the free market. If the justice system was willing, the bankers would go to prison, and the crooked firms would go bankrupt. Instead, these failed banks are receiving transfusions of the people’s cash to stave off economic collapse. If we want socialism, we will get socialism- with the same bankers running the IMF and World Bank as the new Global Fed. The United Nations has all types of authoritarian measures ready in waiting, that will become law if the Congress signs the Treaties. Research the final goals of the Club of Rome and the UN’s Agenda 21. That is your future! Ron Paul stands against all further international assimilation, and for the US Constitution as the only law of the land. Just as it’s true on the other side of the aisle, the average Republican voter is not your enemy! The media opinion-makers work as a gatekeepers; not just for political candidates, but also to set artificial parameters for debate. Anyone who thinks outside the corporate box is labeled a kook, an idiot, or an extremist. Case in point is the public outcry against secrecy at the Federal Reserve. Virtually no major media figures were out front pushing for Fed transparency, and even fewer economic experts or financial talking heads. After the banker bailout that was TARP, the people were outraged at the bonuses and the inside deals. Do keep in mind that it was the Democrat majority that passed out the trillions to Wall Street. The Republicans, who are always harping on the budget deficit, decided to make their fiscal stand against the unemployed. Pretty sick that they will shell out billions for wars, but none for the people in need. Listening to Limbaugh, Hannity, and the rest of them, it’s difficult to support any Republicans. That base level of disgust and apathy is counted on by the establishment. The Ron Paul revolution has the potential to be the single most informed populist movement in decades. If we respect eachother’s freedom, we can take our country back, and have a real debate about the society we wish to live in (instead of letting the CFR have the debate for us). God bless, and join this revolution. No Fear (of government intimidation, media ostracization, or personal attacks), No Division (by class, race, occupation, etc), No Diversion (Save our country, Restore American Liberty, Learn the Truth). If any one retains any hope in President Obama, you must read this article. The man has been groomed, and is a puppet. You have been intentionally deceived. The only way to rescue our country is entirely new leadership: Ron Paul in 2012! |
Police State Current Activity
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Saturday, September 11, 2010
To Our Liberal Friends
Barack Obama,
police state,
Ron Paul,
United Nations
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Why Are Police Trained To Be Cowards?
Posted by William Grigg on July 30, 2010 10:12 AM
Melissa Greenfield appeared to be a slender, ordinary 20-year-old woman wearing a neck brace. The device in her hand appeared to be a commonplace cell phone.
But viewed in light of the paramount law enforcement concern, “officer safety,” Greenfield was transformed into a potential SMERSH assassin. So the heroic Sgt. Jonathan Burke of Ohio’s Delaware County Sheriff’s Office simply had to arrest her, confiscate her property, and hold her in jail for three days, reports the Columbus Dispatch.
At least, that’s how we’re supposed to view what was done to Greenfield and her boyfriend, Colton Dorich, on July 9 at a Flying J truckstop near Columbus.
Like many others their age, the vacationing couple was funding their trip across the country by soliciting donations from other travelers. While this could be called panhandling, it isn’t a crime.
Dorich’s sign — which he displayed while walking his dog — triggered a passerby to call the police. When Burke arrived, he demanded that Dorich produce ID. Melissa withdrew her T-Mobile phone and announced that she was quite sensibly making a record of the event “for legal purposes and our own safety.”
Unfortunately, Greenfield didn’t understand that in any encounter between an armed agent of state coercion and a mere Mundane, it is only the former who is entitled to protection.
“When a sheriff’s deputy encounters an individual holding something in his or her hand, the deputy will take action to identify the item. This is done for the safety of the deputy, the involved parties and the public,” insisted Delaware County Sheriff Walter L. Davis III.
Of course, “safety” in this context supposedly means unqualified submission to those wearing the habiliments of the state’s punitive priesthood, who are indoctrinated to believe that they are compassed about by countless potentially lethal threats.
“Not knowing what the item in her hand was and having prior knowledge of all types of hidden weapons, including a cell-phone gun, I asked her several times to place it in her pocket and to keep her hands free,” wrote the timid Sgt. Burke in his official report.
Several years ago, .22-caliber pistols disguised as cell phones were seized in raids against organized crime syndicates in Europe. This generated a small wave of alarmist stories about this new threat to “officer safety,” one that supposedly changed the “rules of engagement” in police encounters. The disguised pistols are heavier than common cell phones; the chamber is loaded by twisting the “phone” in half. To date, not a single “deadly decoy” of that kind has materialized in the U.S.
Burke demanded that Greenfield surrender the camera. She properly refused that demand. So the armed stranger abducted Greenfield under color of supposed law by arresting her and charging her with “obstructing official business and resisting arrest.” (Dorich wasn’t charged.)
The young woman, who was wearing a neck brace following a traffic accident, was held in jail for three days before pleading no contest to the spurious obstruction charge, for which she was fined twenty dollars. The equally bogus resisting arrest charge was dismissed.
After it became clear that the mysterious object Greenfield carried was a common cellphone and not exotic Eastern European spy tech it was returned — but the video record of the police stop had been erased. Fancy that.
As he Burke drove Greenfield to jail, he lectured his kidnapping victim about the supposed danger she posed to him. The sergeant insisted that it was “unacceptable for me to be filming his activities,” Greenfield told the Dispatch.
It may have been “unacceptable” to Burke, whose mind was cluttered with paranoid, self-serving fantasies, but as Greenfield observes, there was no actual law against making a video record of police carrying out official tasks.
Because Burke was armed, he was able to impose his will on Greenfield. This is precisely the kind of bullying that the rule of law is supposed to prevent. Like too many others supposedly entrusted to enforce the law to protect the public, Sgt. Burke has been taught to act in the service of his unreasonable fears, in the interest of his own self-protection.
But viewed in light of the paramount law enforcement concern, “officer safety,” Greenfield was transformed into a potential SMERSH assassin. So the heroic Sgt. Jonathan Burke of Ohio’s Delaware County Sheriff’s Office simply had to arrest her, confiscate her property, and hold her in jail for three days, reports the Columbus Dispatch.
At least, that’s how we’re supposed to view what was done to Greenfield and her boyfriend, Colton Dorich, on July 9 at a Flying J truckstop near Columbus.
Like many others their age, the vacationing couple was funding their trip across the country by soliciting donations from other travelers. While this could be called panhandling, it isn’t a crime.
Dorich’s sign — which he displayed while walking his dog — triggered a passerby to call the police. When Burke arrived, he demanded that Dorich produce ID. Melissa withdrew her T-Mobile phone and announced that she was quite sensibly making a record of the event “for legal purposes and our own safety.”
Unfortunately, Greenfield didn’t understand that in any encounter between an armed agent of state coercion and a mere Mundane, it is only the former who is entitled to protection.
“When a sheriff’s deputy encounters an individual holding something in his or her hand, the deputy will take action to identify the item. This is done for the safety of the deputy, the involved parties and the public,” insisted Delaware County Sheriff Walter L. Davis III.
Of course, “safety” in this context supposedly means unqualified submission to those wearing the habiliments of the state’s punitive priesthood, who are indoctrinated to believe that they are compassed about by countless potentially lethal threats.
“Not knowing what the item in her hand was and having prior knowledge of all types of hidden weapons, including a cell-phone gun, I asked her several times to place it in her pocket and to keep her hands free,” wrote the timid Sgt. Burke in his official report.
Several years ago, .22-caliber pistols disguised as cell phones were seized in raids against organized crime syndicates in Europe. This generated a small wave of alarmist stories about this new threat to “officer safety,” one that supposedly changed the “rules of engagement” in police encounters. The disguised pistols are heavier than common cell phones; the chamber is loaded by twisting the “phone” in half. To date, not a single “deadly decoy” of that kind has materialized in the U.S.
Burke demanded that Greenfield surrender the camera. She properly refused that demand. So the armed stranger abducted Greenfield under color of supposed law by arresting her and charging her with “obstructing official business and resisting arrest.” (Dorich wasn’t charged.)
The young woman, who was wearing a neck brace following a traffic accident, was held in jail for three days before pleading no contest to the spurious obstruction charge, for which she was fined twenty dollars. The equally bogus resisting arrest charge was dismissed.
After it became clear that the mysterious object Greenfield carried was a common cellphone and not exotic Eastern European spy tech it was returned — but the video record of the police stop had been erased. Fancy that.
As he Burke drove Greenfield to jail, he lectured his kidnapping victim about the supposed danger she posed to him. The sergeant insisted that it was “unacceptable for me to be filming his activities,” Greenfield told the Dispatch.
It may have been “unacceptable” to Burke, whose mind was cluttered with paranoid, self-serving fantasies, but as Greenfield observes, there was no actual law against making a video record of police carrying out official tasks.
Because Burke was armed, he was able to impose his will on Greenfield. This is precisely the kind of bullying that the rule of law is supposed to prevent. Like too many others supposedly entrusted to enforce the law to protect the public, Sgt. Burke has been taught to act in the service of his unreasonable fears, in the interest of his own self-protection.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Corporatists Agree: Socialism Works!
Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt and run by Wall Street banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. They think you live too well!
Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit http://ronpaul2012.podbean.com/)
Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit http://ronpaul2012.podbean.com/)
No Fear, Ni Division, No Diversion!
Barack Obama,
corporate America,
Ron Paul,
Wall St
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Martial Law, troops coming to Chicago?
For the second time in as many years, state and local public servants are discussing the possibility of calling in the National Guard in response to high levels of violent crime on the streets of Chicago. Could it be that a fully disarmed public are easy targets for thugs and organized criminals of all types? Well, we can be sure that the mayor will never put two and two together. Fortunately, there seems to be some healthy hesitation by the Chief of Police and the Governor. Read up on the Rand Corporations "Stability Police Force" for America. There are those in this country who seek to permanently destroy the barrier between the military and local law enforcement, in the name of quelling riots, mass demonstrations, and civil unrest. Indeed, as we all lose our jobs and our homes to the banking superclass- people are going to be angry! Will the police and military come to realize they are among the robbed, or will they ensure the wholesale looting of American wealth, the undermining of US sovereignty, and the destruction of our civil liberties?
These videos may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
Video Aired April 26, 2010 - MSNBC Nightly News
Friday, March 12, 2010
Homeland Security VIPER Teams Hit Tampa Florida Bus, Train Stations
Listen to the dumb@ss they picked out to tow the government line: "I feel safe, that I'm gonna get on the bus, and I'm not gonna blow up." DHS, TSA, ICE, and the Tampa PD team up to bring airport security out on the streets. It's the new normal in Amerika, and I reject it. We don't want or need federal agents teaming up with local cops. It started in the airports, went to court houses and government buildings, is now at the bus and train stations, and next they'll come to the local mall. In a way it's already on the streets. Cops will stop and frisk you without probable cause in big cities across this nation! No thanks, I'll keep my 4th Amendment, thank you very much...
Monday, March 8, 2010
Barack Obama and the Sucker's Revolution
How could Americans have been so stupid? We empowered the media and the Democrat party to push an obscure State Senator from Illinois into the office of President of the United States in a mere four years, needing only a teleprompter and some broad promises of "hope" and "change". During the course of the 2008 campaign, several questions arose regarding Obama's past associations, including Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and Saul Ulinsky, to name a few. The significance of those relationships were never truly explained, only scoffed at by the mainstream media. The truth is, following the huge bailout that was the TARP banker takeover (and eight years of the Bush administration being perceived as in the pockets of multinational corporations), Americans didn't mind hearing then candidate Obama talk about "spreading the wealth around." Understandably, the workforce has seen their wages stagnate, their jobs shipped overseas, and the income gap become the largest since the age of the robber barons at the dawn of the 20th century. I would contend that the power elite had their man exactly where they wanted him when the fateful Joe-the-plumber controversy unfolded. For every American who knew what "spreading the wealth around" actually entailed, there likely stood two who were all-too-willing to opt for the idea of a free lunch.
Socialism-inclined Americans should have raised their eyebrows when Obama ran back to Washington in the midst of the campaign, to prod the Congress into bailing out the so called "too big to fail." But there were innumerable reasons to be skeptical of the junior Senator from Illinois. The most obvious being his absolute lack of any relevant experience. The man had only been in the US Senate for two years prior to his presidential campaign, and voted "present" many times so as not to take a firm stand on controversial issues. This should have been a startling red flag for anyone even remotely concerned with the issues that face our country. Just as troublesome was the fact that most all of the man's records- academic, medical, etc.- had been sealed, as if we were supposed to just read his book and take it all at face value. No, this man seems to be a nearly complete fabrication! Who knows if he is an naturalized American citizen or not? It should not matter, because anyone with a brain should never have voted for the man. Americans have allowed the globalist political establishment to install their man at a crucial point in the history of world civilization.
And what about the police state? Surely, the professor of constitutional law would roll back the Bush administration's assault on the Bill of Rights. Undoubtedly, the civil rights attorney would put America back on the path to social justice. Indeed, Obama had campaigned against the most egregious sections of the Patriot Act, calling the bill "shoddy and dangerous." He also rightly decried President Bush's use of executive orders and signing statements, calling it: "a clear abuse of power to use such statements as a license to evade laws that the president does not like or as an end-run around provisions designed to foster accountability." Well, throw all that out of the window. After struggling to get his administration's agenda through the Congress in his first year (it's those pesky constituents), "President Obama and his team are preparing an array of actions using his executive power to advance energy, environmental, fiscal and other domestic policy priorities."
It's not looking good, America. You already know that the President has ordered the continuation of rendition, claims the authority to assassinate US citizens, and has his own enemies list. I suppose it does little good now to browbeat my fellow Americans who fell for the old "hope" and "change" cliches. But, please, let this be a lesson: Demand real vetting of candidates, and if you're not getting it from the media, do some research on your own. Check the record before voting for your public servants, and if it's hard to come by, move on to another candidate. It would not be a bad idea to vote against whoever is getting the most media coverage and the most corporate donations. To illustrate just what I am talking about, the establishment candidate was clear months before Election Day. According to the New York Times' David Brooks,
"When you break it out by individual companies, you find that employees of Goldman Sachs gave more to Obama than workers of any other employer. The Goldman Sachs geniuses are followed by employees of the University of California, UBS, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, National Amusements, Lehman Brothers, Harvard and Google. At many of these workplaces, Obama has a three- or four-to-one fund-raising advantage over McCain."
As most of us will admit, big money is everything in Washington. The special interests effectively are the government, and most of the regulators come directly from high positions within the companies they are now charged with overseeing. Barack Obama is a yes-man for the corporate and banking elite, just go back and read from the Brooks' article above. It is well documented that after the TARP banker takeover was passed, the Federal Reserve decided not to spend the money on the home mortgage crisis. Rather, they passed out the money to the bankers, who had mountains of worthless assets due to rampant and irresponsible derivative speculation. As a result, 2.9 million American homes have been lost to foreclosure in 2009 alone, and the banks continue to make record profits. You wanted socialism, you got it! The liberal way to do things appears to be a type of reverse wealth redistribution: you lose your job and go broke, Wall Street celebrates with record bonuses. The mainstream media refuses to cover our economic situation using these simple terms, and as a result, the President retains a 49 percent approval rating. Despite that sharp pain you feel in your back, you just can't help but like the guy.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Socialism: the People's Tyranny

Now, I am no apologist for the status-quo! Over the last decade or two in particular, crony-capitalism has become more the rule than the exception and much of the new wealth created is little more than accounting trickery and ponzi schemes (and so I would like to coin a term for today's American economy as Poni Capitalism). The average Joe (if he still has a job) has become more productive at work year after year, has had a stagnant real wage since 2001, and his employer pockets a larger percentage than at any time in the last fifty years (thanks for that increased productivity!). The wealth has stopped trickling down, and we shouldn't be surprised: what with tens of millions of illegal immigrants flooding the ranks of the workforce, formerly middle-class jobs being shipped to India, Malaysia, etc, and the wholesale selling-off of America's industrial capacity.
The important thing to remember is that if we had the will, we could actually make some people accountable for this! (Please research Maurice Strong, Club of Rome, and the UN's "Agenda 21") These control freaks (and the politicians they bought off) were planning the demise of free humanity and the dismantling of the self-sufficient industrial base of the United States over forty years ago. With the passing of the Patriot Act, and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the debt incurred by the US government has doubled many times over since the end of the Cold War. There has been no peace dividend for the American people, as the corporate fascistic empire swallows up the entire planet.
The middle class is indeed contracting, and the income gap between the rich and poor increases year over year. Middle class manufacturing jobs that just a few years ago paid $25 to $30 an hour aren't just being shipped overseas. Large corporations who as of yet are forced to keep their manufacturing jobs in the US, due to FCC regulations and the like, hire no new employees. Rather, they hire a permanent temporary work force for $10 an hour from the multitude of staffing companies who have sprung up as middle-men between the employee and the employer. For example, Motorola owns a virtual monopoly on the mobile and portable radio systems used by government and law enforcement agencies across America, and less than 25 percent of factory workers are full-time Motorola employees. I know, because I spent 18 months there hoping to prove myself worthy of full-time employment with the company. The enormous profits made off of that communications equipment, almost exclusively subsidized by the taxpayer, provide negligible levels of employment to the community in which it resides. Self-touted good corporate citizenship is usually proclaimed in terms of workforce diversity and environmental stewardship, not in providing people with good jobs and livable wages. We all know that business today is about the bottom line; not even "are we profitable," rather "are we above or below quarterly projections." With the exception of those of highly specialized degree fields, being a member of today's American workforce makes it difficult to desire to fight for the cause of capitalism. Unfortunately, that is exactly how the globalists want the people to feel: lacking confidence in individual liberty and the free market.
In the West, as in all of the industrialized nations, socialism has led to an overwhelming bureaucratic tyranny, unfunded entitlement obligations that number in the tens of trillions of dollars, and an erosion of the personal freedom that created the conditions for the prosperity of the past. Today, the debt is (for all practical purposes) too large to pay back. The system of fiat currency and central economic planning has put the world's wealthiest interests firmly in control of the future of humanity. Although the New World Order agenda was well in the works before 9/11, the attacks were essential for convincing Americans that it was necessary to give up their liberties for the sake of security. The DHS is the mechanism for tracking, tracing, and surveilling the final resistance against the NWO, namely: American patriots, libertarians, veterans, and Constitutionalists, as listed in the MIAC and Homeland Security documents of the Spring of 2009. The political establishment set up Barack Obama to bring the United States into socialism; however, thanks to omnipotent corporate greed, even the liberal Democrats realized that bailing out the banks, brokerage firms, and the insurance industry was not socialism as they knew it- it was a reverse wealth redistribution!
Unsurprisingly, from socialists in Congress to the member of the worker's party in the street, "real socialism"- as opposed to Stalinism - is a utopian ideal that cannot exist in reality. Society, and mankind as a whole, will not progress as a species without the animating contest of freedom. Limited government is a key to an innovative and motivated people. Socialism is the exact opposite; a huge welfare state requires a bloated bureaucracy to spend and distribute the wealth. Those at the top of the hierarchical pyramid, such as the long sought benevolent dictator, will never accept being of equal wealth as the commoner. Moreover, those members of the socialist bureaucracy will always leverage their position for personal gain. It is but human nature, and so it should be understood that any benefit provided by the social safety net of the modern welfare state is far outweighed by the cost of losing the creativity and innovation present in the soul of the free human being. In America today, after working 40 to 60 hours a week for $30-$35k per year, you are taxed at all levels of government to the point where, although you do not qualify for any public aid, you will not live sufficiently better than someone else living solely on welfare!
The globalists are in constant contention that American's standard of living is unsustainable; that we are decadent, gluttonous, and vastly over consume the planet's precious resources. Of course, I have never heard one of them state that they are giving up any of the luxuries of which they are accustomed. And so, the New World Order is not significantly different from the murderous tyrants of the 20th century. Given the debt the bankers have heaped on future generations, we will go into some form of socialism unless the American remnant can push off the yoke of tyranny. They will do away with the Bill of Rights under the guise of progressivism, tolerance, and equality. They will erase the sovereignty of national borders, turn all of the world's security forces against the pockets of resistance, and create a global middle class of subsistence-level peasants. Even if we can arrest and prosecute the leaders of the globalist cabal, the economic foundations of the entire planet will take decades to restore. It's certainly worth the fight; if we have the will.
Agenda 21,
Al Gore,
Club of Rome,
Maurice Strong,
New World Order,
poni capitalism,
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