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Monday, February 8, 2010

Socialism: the People's Tyranny

    The United States and the world are in the midst of the most volatile economic climate since the end of the second world war. Just as in those postwar years, today's elitists are delicately laying the groundwork for future generations. It is a sick vision, where humanity's mortal enemy is: humanity itself. The globalists have brilliantly created and manipulated the current economic crisis, and the general public (with a nudge from the corporate media) have focused their anger towards capitalism.
   Now, I am no apologist for the status-quo! Over the last decade or two in particular, crony-capitalism has become more the rule than the exception and much of the new wealth created is little more than accounting trickery and ponzi schemes (and so I would like to coin a term for today's American economy as Poni Capitalism). The average Joe (if he still has a job) has become more productive at work year after year, has had a stagnant real wage since 2001, and his employer pockets a larger percentage than at any time in the last fifty years (thanks for that increased productivity!). The wealth has stopped trickling down, and we shouldn't be surprised: what with tens of millions of illegal immigrants flooding the ranks of the workforce, formerly middle-class jobs being shipped to India, Malaysia, etc, and the wholesale selling-off of America's industrial capacity.
     The important thing to remember is that if we had the will, we could actually make some people accountable for this! (Please research Maurice Strong, Club of Rome, and the UN's "Agenda 21") These control freaks (and the politicians they bought off) were planning the demise of free humanity and the dismantling of the self-sufficient industrial base of the United States over forty years ago. With the passing of the Patriot Act, and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the debt incurred by the US government has doubled many times over since the end of the Cold War. There has been no peace dividend for the American people, as the corporate fascistic empire swallows up the entire planet.
The middle class is indeed contracting, and the income gap between the rich and poor increases year over year. Middle class manufacturing jobs that just a few years ago paid $25 to $30 an hour aren't just being shipped overseas. Large corporations who as of yet are forced to keep their manufacturing jobs in the US, due to FCC regulations and the like, hire no new employees. Rather, they hire a permanent temporary work force for $10 an hour from the multitude of staffing companies who have sprung up as middle-men between the employee and the employer. For example, Motorola owns a virtual monopoly on the mobile and portable radio systems used by government and law enforcement agencies across America, and less than 25 percent of factory workers are full-time Motorola employees. I know, because I spent 18 months there hoping to prove myself worthy of full-time employment with the company. The enormous profits made off of that communications equipment, almost exclusively subsidized by the taxpayer, provide negligible levels of employment to the community in which it resides. Self-touted good corporate citizenship is usually proclaimed in terms of workforce diversity and environmental stewardship, not in providing people with good jobs and livable wages. We all know that business today is about the bottom line; not even "are we profitable," rather "are we above or below quarterly projections." With the exception of those of highly specialized degree fields, being a member of today's American workforce makes it difficult to desire to fight for the cause of capitalism. Unfortunately, that is exactly how the globalists want the people to feel: lacking confidence in individual liberty and the free market.
     In the West, as in all of the industrialized nations, socialism has led to an overwhelming bureaucratic tyranny, unfunded entitlement obligations that number in the tens of trillions of dollars, and an erosion of the personal freedom that created the conditions for the prosperity of the past. Today, the debt is (for all practical purposes) too large to pay back. The system of fiat currency and central economic planning has put the world's wealthiest interests firmly in control of the future of humanity. Although the New World Order agenda was well in the works before 9/11, the attacks were essential for convincing Americans that it was necessary to give up their liberties for the sake of security. The DHS is the mechanism for tracking, tracing, and surveilling the final resistance against the NWO, namely: American patriots, libertarians, veterans, and Constitutionalists, as listed in the MIAC and Homeland Security documents of the Spring of 2009. The political establishment set up Barack Obama to bring the United States into socialism; however, thanks to omnipotent corporate greed, even the liberal Democrats realized that bailing out the banks, brokerage firms, and the insurance industry was not socialism as they knew it- it was a reverse wealth redistribution! 
     Unsurprisingly, from socialists in Congress to the member of the worker's party in the street, "real socialism"- as opposed to Stalinism - is a utopian ideal that cannot exist in reality. Society, and mankind as a whole, will not progress as a species without the animating contest of freedom. Limited government is a key to an innovative and motivated people. Socialism is the exact opposite; a huge welfare state requires a bloated bureaucracy to spend and distribute the wealth. Those at the top of the hierarchical pyramid, such as the long sought benevolent dictator, will never accept being of equal wealth as the commoner. Moreover, those members of the socialist bureaucracy will always leverage their position for personal gain. It is but human nature, and so it should be understood that any benefit provided by the social safety net of the modern welfare state is far outweighed by the cost of losing the creativity and innovation present in the soul of the free human being. In America today, after working 40 to 60 hours a week for $30-$35k per year, you are taxed at all levels of government to the point where, although you do not qualify for any public aid, you will not live sufficiently better than someone else living solely on welfare!
     The globalists are in constant contention that American's standard of living is unsustainable; that we are decadent, gluttonous, and vastly over consume the planet's precious resources. Of course, I have never heard one of them state that they are giving up any of the luxuries of which they are accustomed. And so, the New World Order is not significantly different from the murderous tyrants of the 20th century. Given the debt the bankers have heaped on future generations, we will go into some form of socialism unless the American remnant can push off the yoke of tyranny. They will do away with the Bill of Rights under the guise of progressivism, tolerance, and equality. They will erase the sovereignty of national borders, turn all of the world's security forces against the pockets of resistance, and create a global middle class of subsistence-level peasants. Even if we can arrest and prosecute the leaders of the globalist cabal, the economic foundations of the entire planet will take decades to restore. It's certainly worth the fight; if we have the will.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Framing their Argument: Civil Unrest and the Push Towards Martial Law

Hopefully we can all agree that a peace officer's primary duty should be to protect the people's rights, and secondly to protect the people's property within their jurisdiction.


As the process of global interdependence unfolds, the prime beneficiaries of this system are eroding the legal safeguards against totalitarian government. The Patriot Act has severely undermined the freedoms of the American people, and the banker bailout of late 2008 has funneled trillions of dollars into the hands of the global financial elite. Despite public optimism at the onset of the Obama administration, it is evident that government continues in the direction of secrecy, cronyism, and widespread corruption. As it becomes clear that real economic recovery is not in the cards, and that Americans are in for a serious decrease in their standards of living, the oligarchs are looking at ways of maintaining their social order.

As this blog has covered in the past, there is a serious risk of civil unrest in the coming years. The question is, will law enforcement generally demand that the people (themselves and their families included) see that justice is done, no matter how high up the corruption goes, or will they simply follow orders from criminals? Being that the globalist elite have their agents deep within all relevant levels of government, it is in their interests to oversee a federal takeover of state and local police. The intellectual framework for this consolidation is being lain as we speak; the old Hegelian Dialectic: problem, reaction, solution.

Now, we all know that a cop's job is not easy. But at a time when our culture is spiritually sick, our savings is in the midst of destruction, and for millions the future looks quite bleak, it isn't about to get any easier. By nearly any measure, the general public is mentally/spiritually ill. Hope is on the decline, and violence is on the rise. At a time when government is roundly mistrusted and utterly irresponsible in fiscal matters, the police are being used as the state's enforcer, taxman, and bill collector. Moreover, the police (by default) stand as a separation between the government and the people. It is the American political establishment that has put law enforcement officers (LEOs) in this position, and their manipulation is plain to see in the media and on the web.

The trio of articles below lay out this version of the Hegelian Dialectic. Although I doubt that there was any intentional collaboration between the authors of the following pieces, these ideas are rampant on the intellectual outlets for the Law Enforcement community. Each article has been published within the last six-to-eight weeks, and intentionally promotes an antagonistic view of the current societal landscape, and the steps the authors deem necessary to confront it.

PROBLEM: "Are America's officers at war?" - Joel F. Shults, Ed.D.

As if the precarious situation that LEOs have been shoved into isn't problematic enough, Chief Joel Schultz of Alamosa, Colorado highlights the recent spike in police homicides. Schultz ties the pain of losing his comrades to the angry taunting of minorities who were on the scene following the shooter's execution, and anonymous message board posts after the well-publicized deaths of three Oakland police officers:

    "They will say the officers “got what they deserved” and that the public has lost confidence, that police are a violent racist occupying force. One blog said, “As the police and media work to defame and slander Lovelle Mixon [the murderer], we express our total solidarity.”"

It is not difficult to find hate-laced tirades against anyone, on any subject in the anonymous world of internet message boards (police officers not excluded). Surprisingly, Schultz seems most concerned about "a perfect storm of social factors" leading to widespread public criticism of heavy-handed police actions. In the wake of the recent rash of police murders, Schultz is just as concerned with media and public criticism of law enforcement agencies. He uses rhetoric that intends to anger fellow officers, and then attempts to psychologically profile those who are critical of the police; suggesting that anyone tired of police using brutal force against fellow citizens have some dangerous larger agenda. Rather than performing any self-evaluation, particularly regarding attitudes within minority populations, Schultz determines "we need to take the kind of connect-the-dots examination of patterns of violence that we have learned to do with terrorism." Like many posts on LEO forums like policeone.com,officer.com, and policelink, the article sends a powerful (if not subconscious) message to the casual reader: You are at war! It's you against the world! And that's a dangerous precedent to set.

REACTION: "SWAT options for multiple shooter terrorist attacks" - Lt. Andrew Esposito

If we are to accept the thesis of Mr. Schultz, then the officer on the beat is no longer a public servant, but a soldier in a war zone against a determined enemy. The predictable recommendation is that the police are too lightly armed against potential crises like those in Beslan and Mumbai in recent years. Lieutenant Andrew Esposito, Commander of Rockland County, NY's (REACT) anti-terror unit, warns of the need to investigate "how to deal with terrorism, whether it is domestic or foreign." Lt. Esposito bemoans the restraint that Posse Comitatus puts onto law enforcement in these United States:

    "We, on the other hand, follow the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 (meaning “the power of the county”), which was passed following the civil war after the federal government used troops to uphold the law, or “occupy”, the south in an effort to stabilize the country. Due to this statue, which was passed over one hundred years ago, our country is now more vulnerable."

Well, Lieutenant, the Bill of Rights is a couple of centuries old. Has it become outdated? Common Law has served as our legal framework for a half of a millennium, should we get rid of it, too? This article serves as an attempt to justify a return to an ugly period in American history, the Reconstruction era, which effectively diluted our republican form of government. Those state boundaries represent the people's only safeguard from a tyrannical federal government. We are not Cuba or Pakistan, and we do not want soldiers in our streets. Lt. Esposito believes that "due to Posse Comitatus, [law enforcement] response will be slow, and too late." The Lieutenant spends the rest of the article laying out the shortfalls of police capability to handle mass hostage-type attacks, and the lacking capacity for LEOs to serve as infantryman in an emergency. This piece serves to illustrate the perceived necessity for the army to be able to operate as another asset of law enforcement inside the US.      

SOLUTION: A Stability Police Force for the United States - RAND     Corporation

Right on cue, the infamous Rand Corporation has released their plan for a hybrid Army/civilian high-end policing outfit; the Stability Police Force (SPF) for America. Amazingly, this report outlines just the type of force, with the type of capabilities, called for in Lt. Esposito's article. In their introduction, they skirt around the fact that the unit is intended for domestic operations. But in contemplating the current strategy options, Rand concludes that the current status of forces is:

    "constrained by the limits placed on its ability to perform civilian policing functions by the Posse Comitatus Act. Without relief from this constraint, it could not take advantage of the opportunities provided the hybrid staffing option to develop and maintain the needed skills."

Those who had been tasked to put this report together almost certainly had a primary objective of justifying an end to Posse Comitatus, a frightening thought for any liberty concerned historian. The authors skillfully frame the debate around the need for an effective police force with availability for rapid foreign deployment. The SPF "can perform law enforcement functions and so contribute to domestic tranquility and homeland defense when not deployed" p105 (anyone else thinking 'enemy combatant status'?). Ah, yes, they will contribute to domestic tranquility and receive vital training; RAND has it all figured out. They envision something of a European model of deployment, and lay it out as such:

    "forces perform civilian functions when they are not deployed abroad. For instance, Carabinieri officers perform a range of civilian tasks in Italy, such as countering organized crime and conducting crowd and riot control. Gendarmerie officers are deployed under the Ministry of Interior in France, and routinely perform such tasks as criminal investigations and highway patrol. We concluded that this practice of engaging in civilian tasks on a routine basis was extremely useful preparation for when the organizations deployed abroad during stability operations. Such experience is difficult to get only through training."

The report touted that SPF soldiers "working as police officers would greatly contribute to the state of training and readiness of SPF personnel." Although the authors admit that the hurdles are "probably insurmountable," RAND does submit "the issue of contractors performing law enforcement functions."

Much of the document centers around high-end policing, or police that

    "fill a critical gap between military forces and civilian police. They are trained to deal with higher levels of crime and violence than regular civilian police, and are able to perform such tasks as high-end criminality identification, criminal investigation, special weapons and tactics (SWAT), crowd and riot control, and intelligence collection and analysis."

It is troublesome that intelligence agencies and non-governmental organizations have forecast an increase in civil unrest. The ongoing tea-party movement is likely the beginning of a popular uprising against the status-quo. Rather than to investigate government corruption and imprison the perpetrators of Wall St. fraud, articles such as these suggest that the military-industrial-complex is gearing up to face down those who demand justice on behalf of those who have perpetrated the criminal conspiracy.